Photos of the

Changing of the Guard

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Changing of the Guard 1 - Guard at Amalienborg Palace. Changing of the Guard 2 - Guard at Amalienborg Palace.
Changing of the Guard 3 - Changing of the Guard, Amalienborg Palace. Changing of the Guard 4 - Changing of the Guard, Amalienborg Palace.
Changing of the Guard 5 - Changing of the Guard, Amalienborg Palace. Changing of the Guard 6 - Changing of the Guard, Amalienborg Palace.
Changing of the Guard 7 - Waiting for the Changing of the Guard. Changing of the Guard 8 - Changing of the Guard, Amalienborg Palace.
Changing of the Guard 9 - The marching band after the Changing of the Guard. Changing of the Guard 10 - The marching band after the Changing of the Guard.

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