My Letters to the Editor

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Letter to the Editor 1 - "Of and for the People" ~ My letter on County Executive Douglas Duncan's silly idea of ordering the word "government" stricken from county paper, doors and cars.
The Washington Post, October 31, 1995
Letter to the Editor 2 - "The Issue at Hand" ~ My letter on President Bill and Intern Monica.
The Washington Post, January 27, 1998
Letter to the Editor 3 - Deadwood Toward the Top ~ My letter on an Office of Personnel Management study on the number of "deadwood" federal employees.
The Washington Post, February 16, 1999
Letter to the Editor 4 - "'Collateral damage' is just a fancy term for death and destruction ~ My letter on the Clinton Administration's use of the term - Collateral damage.
The Washington Times, May 15, 1999
Letter to the Editor 5 - "Creating a'Sensation'" ~ My letter on art, the use of taxpayers' money and the First Amendment.
The Washington Post October 12, 1999
Letter to the Editor 6 - "This Will End Racial Profiling?" ~ My letter on the absurdity of having police officers collect racial profiles of drivers they stop in order to eradicate racial profiling.
The Washington Post, November 15, 2001
Letter to the Editor 7 - "The Role of 'Divine Providence'" ~ My letter on "In God We Trust." Did President Lincoln really adopt the phrase for "blatantly political" reasons?
The Washington Post, September 8, 2003
Letter to the Editor 8 - Kamikaze pilots of World War II and current day dangers of small planes flying in restricted zones.
The Wahington Post, May 19, 2005
Letter to the Editor 9 - The Implications of Letting Everyone In ~ My letter on enforcing immigration laws or changing them.
The Washington Post, November 20, 2006
Letter to the Editor 10 - My Response to the New Yorker Flap ~ The editor of the New Yorker implies that “liberal-minded” people would not use slurs or innuendos.
The Washington Post, July 21, 2008
Letter to the Editor 11 - Chasing Readers From the Paper ~ My observation that printed newspapers are being used to link their readers to the Internet.
The Washington Post, April 25, 2009
Letter to the Editor 12 - Drenched and doing nothing ~ My reaction to Nancy Pelosi for claiming that she was lied to by the CIA. Irregardless, she reacted to the briefing as a potted plant.
The Washington Times, May 17, 2009
Letter to the Editor 13 - Health-care reform: Deals and lies ~ What happened to candidate Obama's promised of openness?
The Washington Post, January 25, 2010
Letter to the Editor 14 - Legal defense is a critical right ~ John Adams defense of British soldiers was transparent!
The Washington Post, March 14, 2010
Letter to the Editor 15 - A discussion worth continuing? ~ Good people doing nothing about the racist name of the Washington football team.
The Washington Post, March 16, 2013

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