Escargots & Plus

Escargots & Plus

Escargots & Beer!

Escargots & Plus

Escargots & Beer Again!

And again! And again! Etc.! Etc.!

Escargots & Plus

Steak Tartare – Italian Style

Escargots & Plus

Pizza with Five Olives

Eating Italian in Paris

Escargots & Plus

Had to have Onion Soup – Of Course!

No need to add “French” in France

Escargots & Plus

Steak & Frites

After some escargots of course!

Escargots & Plus

Capri Salad and Olives

Eating Italian again!

Escargots & Plus

Chicken Milanese & Spaghetti

Don’t worry. I ate all the olives!

Escargots & Plus

Cheeseburger & Frites

On the Eiffel Tower!

Escargots & Plus

Steak & Frites Again!

Escargots & Plus

My Paris Breakfast for Most Mornings!

Escargots & Plus

Eating International in Paris

One evening I even had Chinese. And every evening – pills!