Family Stories

Written by Family

Click on pictures for stories

Uncle Joe 1 - JOSEPH ARENELLA MY GRANDFATHER ~ He was lovingly referred to as "BE PA" ~ by Joseph Schiavoni, Jr. Aunt Tessie 2 - MOTHERS-IN-LAW
GET A BAD RAP ~ by Manny Giusto
Uncle Manny, Camille & me 3 - My Uncle Manny ~ by Big Tom Guisto ~ written for his Uncle Manny’s 80th birthday Mickey & siblings 4 - The Problem - My Brother Mickey ~ by Manny Giusto
Camille & me 5 - A Star Is Born ~ by Camille's Big Brother Theresa 6 - Embarrassing Moments ~ by Manny Giusto
Sal & grandson 7 - What Grandchildren Do To the Heart ~ by Manny Giusto Tom 8 - My Son, the College Student ~ by Manny Giusto
Camille & Thomas 9 - Careful What You Say
To Children ~ by Manny Giusto
Uncle Manny & Grandma G 10 - It’s A Wonderful Life ~ by Manny Giusto
226 Pine Street 11 - 226 Pine Street ~ by Betty Arenella Weidler  Mommy and Her Boy 12 - Mommy and Her Boy ~ by Tommy Guisto
My Little Sister 13 - Little Sister ~ by her Big Brother, Tommy Tom the Hero 14 - The Big caper ~ by Tom Guisto
Bay Soaring 15 - To Soar ~ by Tom Guisto SS Card 16 - The American Dream in Brooklyn ~ by Tom Guisto
Ida 17 - Childhood Memories ~ By Ida Arenella Schiavoni 911 18 - Little Tom’s 9/11 Experience ~ by Tom Giusto
Tom Giusto 19 - 20 Years Ago Today ~ By Tom Giusto McSorty 20 - A Short Ride to Penn Station ~ by Tom Guisto

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