My Son,
The College Student

- by Manny Giusto

My son Tom

My son, Tom, the College Student
Went on to study the yard of ale!

Proud! That's what I was. My son Tommy was attending college. The first in our family. My wife and I were very thrilled. When he left for college it was mixed emotions. We both cried when he left, we missed all the havoc he always created - stomping up stairs, loud music, slamming the refrigerator door and his many friends visiting. We were very lucky we had our daughter Theresa at home. She helped fill the void.

I remember one winter recess when my son Tom was home. He and about five or six of his college friends were in our kitchen and my wife Marie was feeding them goodies. They all said they missed home cooking. Marie ate this all up. She loved all the children. I was in the living room but had my ear open, interested to know what these college students were talking about. Was it politics?? Economy? Unemployment? Space travel? Religion?

I was dismayed at what I heard. These college students, big healthy athletes, were discussing how to eat an Oreo cookie. My first thought was, why am I spending money sending my son to college? Number two, everybody knows how to eat an Oreo cookie. You twist the two cookies apart, scoop the icing off with your teeth, then dip each cookie in milk, and enjoy.

But these students went on and on. They mentioned about sixteen different ways to eat an Oreo cookie. I should have written them down and put them in book form.

Boy, the college students were good. I wish them all the best.

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